
The ECF HelpDesk


Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Pacific

The HelpDesk is open when the Clerk’s Office is open; it is therefore closed on court holidays.


The best way to obtain support is via email. If there is a case number, please include it with the Judge’s initials in the subject line. Email is answered during support hours, above.


(866) 638-7829

You may call us during support hours, above; or, to schedule phone support to fit your schedule and avoid “phone tag,” send us an email requesting a call back at a specific time.

Please visit the ECF troubleshooting page before contacting the ECF Helpdesk.

Support Policies

ECF Users’ Responsibility for Learning & Training

Answers to 90{fe419bac72880a9caeee794cfa5c5732fe5cf72df0c0e199570ea6c079c4d992} of problems reported by ECF users are in our FAQs, manuals, tutorials and training information, available right here, 24/7. Due to the sheer number of registered ECF users, it is not possible for the HelpDesk to walk new users through the e-filing process. New users should review our excellent set of online tutorials for step-by-step guidance.

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Conditions for Effective Phone Support

All emails to requesting phone support and all calls left on the ECF Helpdesk voicemail (866-638-7829) will be returned, provided that the message is intelligible with a name and working return phone number provided. Please provide a direct number or extension, if possible. A case number and a BRIEF description of the issue is appreciated, but not required. Calls are usually returned within 2 business hours.

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ECF Users’ Responsibility for Account Maintenance

Registered users are responsible for keeping their account information current and accurate, especially primary and secondary email addresses.

Emails bounced due to the recipient’s technical difficulties will not be re-sent. Emails not delivered due to technical difficulties at the court will be re-sent if feasible. A registered user should not rely on email alone, but should periodically log into ECF to look for case activity. See Civil Local Rule 5-1(c)(3).

Bounced emails from the primary and secondary addresses are handled differently:

1) Primary Email Addresses:
Repeated bounced emails from a primary email address may result in the substitution of “” in the registered user’s account to prevent continued bounces. The e-filing account will remain active, but the e-filer will receive not further notices from the court until the e-filer updates the account with a valid email address.

2) Secondary Email Addresses:
Because a secondary email address is optional, repeated bounced emails may result in the deletion of a secondary address from the user’s account without notice.

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Legal Advice

The ECF HelpDesk support is dedicated to the administration and proper technical use of the ECF system, including troubleshooting. The ECF HelpDesk cannot provide advice, guidance, predictions or interpretations relating to legal or procedural issues the content of legal documents.

Ex parte Communications

The ECF HelpDesk is available to provide individual assistance to registered users. The ECF HelpDesk will not convey messages to the Judge or other court staff.

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